Ocean Life Survey (OLS) can deploy its UROV, a Chasing Gladius MINI S, together with experienced UROV pilot Martin Stanley, for client UROV operations and surveys. The OLS UROV, has a 100 meter depth range and 200 meter cable, allowing a 100m radius range at 100m depth, and 200m radius range at the surface. It's small size and great maneuverability, together with inbuilt HD video camera and lights, allows for controlled detailed survey and search operations, in open or confined environments. With 4 knot max speed and streamlined morphometric shape, it can operate in strong currents such as rivers, tidal flows/streams, and wave surge environments, as well as in coastal, open ocean, and sea/freshwater ice aquatic environments. With an additional arm and claw attachment, we can also deliver sampling & retrieval, as well as lightweight underwater equipment deployment and retrieval operations. Further custom attachments, allow us to offer 360 video camera surveys above and below the UROV, together with magnetometer and GPS mapping for shallow water surveys/operations. The whole UROV system with attachments can be easily transported and deployed (with it's pilot) to any location worldwide.
Ocean Life Survey has experience of successfully conducting and delivering over 50 UROV surveys to date, incorporating planning, piloting, review and reporting. Martin Stanley from OLS has commercially piloted UROV's for government agency surveys & operations, focussing on structural inspection, biological survey, and biosecurity monitoring, operating within major working harbor/ports, in and around the submerged structures and navigational channels, and strong surface and subsurface tidal/current flows.
Ocean Life Survey and Martin Stanley, have also delivered and piloted UROV surveys and operations, using the OLS Gladius MINI S UROV. This includes UROV operations in freshwater, estuarine, and marine environments, to provide environmental testing, search and survey operations in challenging environmental conditions, including in dense aquatic plant habitats, and dynamic wave surge environments. An assessment and report from this work has been provided to an international UROV manufacturer, in order to aid in further development and enhancement of their UROV systems.
Other Ocean Life Survey UROV operations include:
Ocean Life Survey has experience of successfully conducting and delivering over 50 UROV surveys to date, incorporating planning, piloting, review and reporting. Martin Stanley from OLS has commercially piloted UROV's for government agency surveys & operations, focussing on structural inspection, biological survey, and biosecurity monitoring, operating within major working harbor/ports, in and around the submerged structures and navigational channels, and strong surface and subsurface tidal/current flows.
Ocean Life Survey and Martin Stanley, have also delivered and piloted UROV surveys and operations, using the OLS Gladius MINI S UROV. This includes UROV operations in freshwater, estuarine, and marine environments, to provide environmental testing, search and survey operations in challenging environmental conditions, including in dense aquatic plant habitats, and dynamic wave surge environments. An assessment and report from this work has been provided to an international UROV manufacturer, in order to aid in further development and enhancement of their UROV systems.
Other Ocean Life Survey UROV operations include:
- delivering UROV surveys in confined spaces, including aquaculture ponds, providing checks on water filter intakes and air outflows, together with Koi fish inspection, and freshwater plant growth and biosecurity checks.
- delivering UROV operations to inspect marine infrastructure, including floating docks, marina pontoons, anchors and mooring chains.
- delivering UROV operations to inspect freshwater lake infrastructure, including floating docks, marina pontoons, anchors and mooring chains.
- delivering UROV water column river/lake/sea bed habitat and species surveys.
- delivering UROV testing capability, and survey operations in shallow water dynamic marine surf conditions, for surf beach habitat/species surveys.
- delivering UROV search operations for underwater cables (derelict/active), debris, anchors, chains, aquatic invasive species (identification, location, and inspection).
- delivering UROV marine biodiversity and biosecurity inspection operations, monitoring and surveys.
- delivering UROV freshwater biodiversity and biosecurity inspection operations, monitoring and surveys.
- delivering UROV survey as part of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) for marine development/deployment.
- delivering UROV testing and survey operations in riverbank freshwater aquatic plant habitats.
- designing, delivering and testing UROV shallow water mapping system.
- designing, delivering and testing UROV propellor guard system.