Ocean Life Survey Expertise & Services
Ocean Life Survey offers marine and freshwater research expertise, and operational capability to our clients, from desk based research, design and planning consultation services, to field research, survey and operations, data analysis and reporting.
A simple menu of some of the expertise and operations we offer is listed below. Please contact us for enquiries and to discuss your requirements.
1. Marine mammal species
Observational, thermal, acoustic surveys.
Aerial surveys.
Boat based surveys.
Land based surveys.
Occurrence, distribution, abundance, & behavior studies.
Tagging & biopsy.
DNA, hormone, bio-accumulation studies.
Technological monitoring.
Marine mammal disturbance studies.
Commercial marine mammal tourism operation, assessment, monitoring & compliance.
Large whale thermal detection and alert systems for port & vessel operations.
Dolphin thermal detection & avoidance systems for port & vessel operations.
Marine mammal deterrent systems.
Marine mammal rescue operations.
Dead marine mammal assessment & disposal.
Environmental impact assessment.
2. Shark species
Observational, thermal, acoustic surveys.
Aerial surveys.
Boat based surveys.
Land based surveys.
Occurrence, distribution, abundance, & behavior studies.
Tagging & live biopsy.
Baited/Un-baited under water video surveys (static & towed).
DNA, hormone, bio-accumulation studies.
Technological monitoring.
Deterrent systems.
Environmental impact assessment.
3. Seabird species
Observational, thermal, acoustic surveys.
Aerial surveys.
Boat based surveys.
Land based surveys.
Occurrence, distribution, abundance, & behavior studies.
Environmental impact assessment.
4. Fish & marine vertebrate species
Fyke netting, assessment & release (Estuarine/Mangrove)
Static underwater video (baited/un-baited)
Drifting/Towed underwater video (baited/un-baited)
Line catch, assessment & release.
Trawl netting.
Occurrence, distribution, abundance, & behavior studies.
Environmental impact assessment.
5. Marine invertebrate species
Bi-valve & shellfish beach, reef, seabed surveys and assessment.
Fyke netting, assessment & release (Estuarine/Mangrove).
Static underwater video (baited/un-baited).
Drifting/Towed underwater video (baited/un-baited).
Sub surface collection & assessment.
Occurrence, distribution, abundance, & behavior studies.
Environmental impact assessment.
6. Plankton species
Zooplankton & Phytoplankton occurrence, distribution & abundance
Plankton surveys (secchi disk, trawls).
Microscope wet analysis identification.
Dry mass analysis.
Occurrence, distribution, abundance, & behavior studies.
Environmental impact assessment.
7. Marine debris & plastic survey
Observational survey.
Trawl survey.
Water column sampling survey.
Sediment survey.
Occurrence, distribution, abundance, & behavior studies.
Environmental impact assessment.
Marine debris removal.
8. Oceanographic studies
Seabed survey's (side-scan sonar; underwater camera; seabed sampling).
Tidal streaming & current analysis.
Marine mapping & cartography.
Water temperature, salinity, acidity.
Underwater ROV survey.
9.Marine reserve & marine protected area operations
Identification & establishment.
Education & stakeholder engagement.
Biological monitoring design & delivery.
Compliance monitoring design & law enforcement operations.
Tourism & recreational establishment, permits, monitoring & compliance.
Environmental impact assessment.
10. Marine habitat surveys
UROV survey.
Dropped underwater camera survey.
Towed underwater camera survey.
Aerial drone camera survey.
Sonar/Side-scan survey.
Seabed sediment sampling.
Water column sampling.
Salinity, acidity, temperature survey.
Plankton survey.
Marine debris survey.
Pollution survey.
Sediment survey.
Tidal streaming & current analysis.
Fish & marine vertebrate survey.
Marine invertebrate survey.
Marine mammal survey.
Seabird survey.
Shark survey.
Seaweed survey.
Environmental impact assessment.
11. Sedimentation surveys
Sediment trap sampling, analysis & assessment.
Turbidity monitoring and assessment.
Environmental impact assessment.
12. Marine bio-security surveys for vessel hulls & marine areas
Underwater UROV survey.
Dropped underwater camera survey.
Towed underwater camera survey.
13 Marine bioengineering & geoengineering
Marine environment enhancement & conservation (systems & techniques).
Oceanographic and climate process utilization and modification (systems & techniques).
Renewable powered carbon capture and sequestration (systems & techniques).
14) Coastal marine geomorphology
Coastal processes monitoring and assessment.
Coastal landform monitoring and assessment.
Coastal erosion monitoring and assessment.
Coastal sea defense monitoring and assessment.
15) Coastal flooding & sea level rise
Coastal flooding risk and impact assessment.
Sea level rise monitoring.
Coastal hydrological systems monitoring.
Sal water incursion monitoring.
16) Marine system design and development
Marine survey systems.
Whale alert systems for commercial shipping.
Remote electronic monitoring systems.
Dead whale sea burial system.
Thermal aerial drone systems.
Custom systems design, development, testing and assessment.
17) Artificial habitat design, instillation, monitoring.
Site selection and assessment.
Artificial habitat advice, design and instillation.
Pre and post monitoring.
For more specific information on these and other services we offer please contact us.